Wolfson College Green Society Talks

Wolfson College Green Society Talks's image
Created: 2020-05-01 11:55
Institution: Wolfson College
Editors' group: Editors group for "Wolfson College".
Description: This collections contains recordings of talks (and webinars) in the Wolfson College Green Society Talks Series.
Website: https://www.wolfson.cam.ac.uk/current-students/societies/green-society

Media items

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This collection contains 1 media item.


Media items

Marie-Anne Coninsx - The Changing Arctic, its Challenges and Global Impact


In the first installation of the new Green Society lecture series, Ms Marie Anne Coninsx, Wolfson alumna and former Ambassador at Large for the Arctic of the European Union shares...

Collection: Wolfson College Green Society Talks

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Fri 1 May 2020