Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM: can governments really embrace digital innovation, and should they?

60 mins,  110.03 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  250.38 kbits/sec
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Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM: can governments really embrace digital innovation, and should they?'s image
Description: Dr Tanya Filer asks if governments really can embrace digital and emerging technologies.
Created: 2018-10-25 12:22
Collection: Alumni Festival 2018
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Isabel Ronaldson
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (not downloadable)
Explicit content: No
Abstract: Around the world, governments are seeking to digitise and develop their artificial intelligence (AI) capacities for public service provision and policymaking. But a myriad of challenges thwart efforts to innovate, from lack of political will and risk-averse cultures, to budgetary limitations and clunky, old-fashioned procurement processes.

Under these conditions, can governments really embrace digital and emerging technologies? And how can they do so in a way that helps to rehabilitate citizens' trust in institutions, rather than pushing them further towards anti-system options? Drawing on examples from Europe, the Middle East and Latin America, this talk tackles how governments can adapt for the digital age, and charts the possible risks if they do not.
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 250.38 kbits/sec 110.03 MB Listen
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