Sarah Connolly's experience of her CSaP Policy Fellowship

3 mins 41 secs,  6.75 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  250.29 kbits/sec
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Sarah Connolly's experience of her CSaP Policy Fellowship's image
Description: While Sarah was in Cambridge on her first visit the Prime Minister was at Davos, and Sarah explained that her evenings were spent passing on key points from her Fellowship meetings to her colleagues to be considered as content for Theresa May's speech. She found it very interesting that she was able to immediately apply considerations from her conversations with academics to current policy discussions, and in the end May's speech in Davos included a commitment to reviewing the liabilities of social media companies.
Created: 2018-04-17 15:14
Collection: Centre for Science & Policy
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Jackie Ouchikh
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Explicit content: No
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 250.29 kbits/sec 6.75 MB Listen Download
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