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Different Matter, Same Pattern: Direct Object Marking in Northwest Semitic


Wright Lecture given on 24th January, 2013 by Prof. Holger Gzella, Professor of Hebrew & Aramaic, Leiden University

Collection: Wright Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Fri 25 Jan 2013

Literature and Dis/Agreement


Michael D. Hurley explores a deep and unexpected dependency between John Henry Newman’s efforts and achievements in thought and word: a kind of dependency that is also a form of...

Collection: Von Hugel Institute

Institution: Von Hugel Institute

Created: Fri 9 Jun 2017

Michelle L. Sheehan - Nature or nurture: how much of language is innate?


The question of how language is acquired has fascinated scholars of linguistics and philosophy since ancient times. In this talk, I discuss the status of language universals and...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Thu 7 Feb 2013



Wokshop overview video

Collection: Simon Atkinson

Institution: Language Centre

Created: Wed 20 Dec 2017

Our Language in Your Hands: Nepal


'Landlocked and mountainous Nepal is home to over 100 languages, many of which are now endangered. Languages spoken for generations may soon be extinct. Anthropologist and...

Collection: World Oral Literature Project Media

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Tue 4 Dec 2012

Understanding Japanese Through Its Invisible Structures: How Linguistics Can Contribute to Language Learning


A talk given by Prof. Wesley M. Jacobsen, Harvard University, on Monday, 29th February, 2016

Collection: East Asian Studies Seminars

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Wed 2 Mar 2016