Wright Lectures

Wright Lectures's image
Created: 2012-11-23 17:24
Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Editors' group: Management group for "Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies".
Description: William Wright (1830-1889) was Sir Thomas Adams's Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge and was renowned as a Semiticist and a philologist. The Wright Lecture Series, named in his honour, is run by the Department of Middle Eastern Studies in the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies in association with the Centre of Islamic Studies. Reflecting the spread of the Department's academic interests, the Wright Lecture Series addresses topics of relevance to the study and understanding of the Middle East, Iran and India, ancient and modern.


Media items

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This collection contains 8 media items.


Media items

Arab identity in the Making: The 'Unique Necklace' in Umayyad Andalusia


Wright Lecture given on 14th February, 2013 by Dr Isabel Toral-Niehoff, Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow, Aga Khan University in London, Institute for the Study of Muslim...

Collection: Wright Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Mon 18 Feb 2013

Different Matter, Same Pattern: Direct Object Marking in Northwest Semitic


Wright Lecture given on 24th January, 2013 by Prof. Holger Gzella, Professor of Hebrew & Aramaic, Leiden University

Collection: Wright Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Fri 25 Jan 2013

Early Judaeo-Persian as an Ethnolect on the Middle Eastern Scene


Wright Lecture given on Thursday, 5th December, 2013 by Prof. Ludwig Paul, Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg.

Collection: Wright Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Fri 6 Dec 2013

Fighting to reclaim the city in the Middle East: emerging publics and theatres of violence


Wright Lecture given on Tuesday, 12th November, 2013 by Prof. Charles Tripp, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London

Collection: Wright Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Thu 14 Nov 2013

How 'Mongol' was the Mongol Empire?


Wright Lecture given on 28th February, 2013 by Prof. David Morgan, Emeritus Professor of History and Religious Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Collection: Wright Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Mon 4 Mar 2013

Persian Culture and Indian Medicine in Pre-Modern South Asia


Wright lecture given on 22nd November, 2012 by Dr Fabrizio Speziale, University Sorbonne Nouvelle - CNRS, Paris

Collection: Wright Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Fri 23 Nov 2012

The Conversations of Gods, Sages and Kings in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist Traditions


Wright Lecture given on Tuesday, 26th November, 2013 by Dr James Hegarty Cardiff University

Collection: Wright Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Wed 27 Nov 2013

The Doubts of Ibn al-Shibl al-Baghdādī (d. 474/1081–2), Poet, Philosopher, and Physician


Wright Lecture given on Tuesday, 29th October, 2013 by Prof. Geert Jan van Gelder, University of Oxford

Collection: Wright Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Wed 30 Oct 2013