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Media items

A summer walk through Cambridge: part 2 - King's College


A compilation of various films, available also in parts. Alan Macfarlane is interviewed by Xiaolong Guan and filmed by Xiaoxiao Yan on 8th August 2006

Collection: Reflections on Cambridge

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Fri 2 Aug 2013

A summer walk through Cambridge: some colleges - part 1


A compilation of films, available in parts elsewhere. Alan Macfarlane is interviewed by Xiaolong Guan and filmed by Xiaoxiao Yan on 8th August 2006

Collection: Reflections on Cambridge

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Fri 2 Aug 2013

Cambridge Conversations in Translation - 25 November 2015 - Translation and the Sacred Text (Workshop)



Nicholas King, SJ (Academic Director, Theology, St Mary’s University, Twickenham)
James Montgomery (Sir Thomas Adams’s Professor of Arabic, Executive Editor of the...

Collection: Cambridge Conversations in Translation

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 30 Nov 2015

Cantique De Jean Racine (Fauré) sung by King's College Choir


Fauré's Cantique De Jean Racine, Op. 11, sung by King's College Choir, from the 2014 recording of Faure's Requiem.

Collection: King's College multimedia

Institution: King's College

Created: Thu 6 Nov 2014

CIPN - 18 October 2018 - The Medicalization of the Female Body


The Medicalization of the Female Body: What Should Modern-Day Reproductive Technologies (not) Learn from Hippocrates and Aristotle?

Professor Emerita Helen King (Classical...

Collection: Performance Network

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 29 Oct 2018

Clare Hall King Lecture - Paradigm Shift in Biology


Clare Hall King Lectures 2018

The 2018 Annual King Lecture was given by Professor Michael Hall, of the Biozentrum University of Basel, Switzerland. Professor Hall was the...

Collection: King Lectures

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Mon 25 Jun 2018

Dr Frank Salmon clip 2


Dr Frank Salmon talks about the architecture of King's College Chapel as part of a talk at the 2009 Festival of Ideas.

Collection: Open Cambridge

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 24 Sep 2009

Dr Marc W. Kirschner


The 2017 King Lecture entitled “The Uniqueness of Biological Understanding”.

Collection: King Lectures

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Mon 22 May 2017

Fellowship and the meaning of community in a Cambridge College


An interview with Alan Macfarlane in August 2006, questions by Kenong Guan, filmed by Xiaoxiao Yan

Collection: Reflections on Cambridge

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Mon 5 Aug 2013

Fragments of King's College Cambridge - 1984


A film made by Sofka Zinovieff and Jeremy on King's College, Cambridge. Made with very early U-matic equipment, and hence low quality images, but capturing something of the life...

Collection: Reflections on Cambridge

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Tue 5 Feb 2013

Henry VIII - King of Tunes


King Henry the VIII is chiefly associated with gluttony, lechery and murder. Surprisingly, it turns out he was also a deeply sensitive soul, who liked to express himself by...

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Thu 14 Apr 2011

Introducing Epic of the Persian Kings


Exploring exquisite Persian manuscript art inspired by the world’s longest poem: the Shahnameh, or 'Book of Kings'

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Tue 14 Sep 2010

King Lecture 2016 - Dr Harold Varmus


Harold Varmus: Inaugural King Lecturer for the Biomedical Sciences

Clare Hall has established a new annual lecture series, the King Lectures in Biomedical Sciences. This...

Collection: King Lectures

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Fri 20 May 2016

King's College Christmas ecard 2008


A short film used for a Christmas ecard in 2008. The film features the interior of King's College Chapel and is accompanied by King's College Choir singing 'Dormi Jesu' by John...

Collection: King's College multimedia

Institution: King's College

Created: Fri 19 Dec 2008

King's College Christmas ecard 2008


A short film used for a Christmas ecard in 2008. The film features the interior of King's College Chapel and is accompanied by King's College Choir singing 'Dormi Jesu' by John...

Collection: King's College multimedia

Institution: King's College

Created: Fri 19 Dec 2008

King's College described and analysed


An interview with Alan Macfarlane in August 2006, questions by Kenong Guan, filmed by Xiaoxiao Yan

Collection: Reflections on Cambridge

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Mon 5 Aug 2013

Mark King on Richard II: landlord, not king?


Season 1 Episode 3 of Cambridge PhDcasts with PhDcaster Mark King.

Collection: Cambridge PhDcasts

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Thu 9 May 2013

M.R. James and parallel worlds


Alan Macfarlane reflects on the ghost story writer M.R.James and the relation to psychical research, children's stories and the loss of belief in Victorian Britain.

Collection: M.R.James - Provost of King's College and Eton and ghost story writer

Institution: King's College

Created: Mon 24 Mar 2014

Once in Royal David's City sung by King's College Choir


Once in Royal David's City sung by King's College Choir, from the 2014 recording "Favourite Carols from King's".

Collection: King's College multimedia

Institution: King's College

Created: Thu 6 Nov 2014

Patrick Bateson


Sir Patrick Bateson was interviewed and filmed by Alan Macfarlane in December 2007. The transcript is by Sarah Harrison, The interview lasts about 2 hrs. Generously supported by...

Collection: Film Interviews with Leading Thinkers

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 16 Mar 2011

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