Cambridge podcasts

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Created: 2010-11-22 09:50
Institution: Governance and Compliance Division
Editors' group: Editors group for "Office of Communications".
Description: (No description)

Media items

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This collection contains 10 media items.


Media items

Can Science Beat Terrorism?


Global terrorism should be shrugged off as a low level risk allowing us all to get on with our lives. Katie Derham introduces this Cambridge podcast with a look at how scientific...

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Fri 27 Mar 2009

Henry VIII - King of Tunes


King Henry the VIII is chiefly associated with gluttony, lechery and murder. Surprisingly, it turns out he was also a deeply sensitive soul, who liked to express himself by...

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Thu 14 Apr 2011

Lunar Meanderings


Sir Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal and Master of Trinity College, talks to us about the Apollo 11 moon landings in an interview that reflects on the legacy of the lunar...

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Mon 26 Jul 2010

Repairing the Brain


Dr Roger Barker from the Centre for Brain Repair at the University of Cambridge is leading a unique initiative which brings together some of the world’s foremost Parkinson’s...

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Mon 22 Nov 2010

The Downturn; widening our analysis


Image credit: abradyb on Flickr.

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Wed 6 May 2009

The Gene Genie


Less than 60 years after Cambridge scientists Watson and Crick first discovered the 3D structure of DNA, Professor Shankar Balasubramanian and his team of chemical biologists have...

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Tue 15 Mar 2011

The Genetics of Obesity


Genetics and the brain play a key role in predisposing some people to obesity. In this Cambridge podcast Catherine Carr looks at how biochemists and neuroscientists are working...

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Wed 8 Apr 2009

The Indian Rope Trick


Jaideep Prabhu, Professor of Indian Business and Enterprise at the Judge Business School, Cambridge, explores the rising impact of India as a global power and examines its...

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Thu 17 Feb 2011

The Silent Aircraft


We’re all well used to the roar of the jet engine. Those living under flight paths or near our airports have even learnt to live with its regular intrusions. But the search is...

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Thu 14 Apr 2011

Who’d be a Volcanologist?


In this podcast from the University of Cambridge, Andrew Wallace-Hadrill analyses the volcanic ash of Herculaneum to reveal a new understanding of the ancient Roman city and Clive...

Collection: Cambridge podcasts

Institution: Governance and Compliance Division

Created: Thu 16 Jun 2011