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Media items

'An introduction to concepts of insolvency and security: an English perspective - Part 1' - Andrew McKnight: 3CL Lecture


Andrew McKnight, senior banking lawyer, gave a series of lectures entitled "An introduction to concepts of insolvency and security: an English perspective" on 4 March 2014 at the...

Collection: 3CL Travers Smith Seminar Series

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Thu 6 Mar 2014

'An introduction to concepts of insolvency and security: an English perspective - Part 1' - Andrew McKnight: 3CL...


Andrew McKnight, senior banking lawyer, gave a series of lectures entitled "An introduction to concepts of insolvency and security: an English perspective" on 4 March 2014 at the...

Collection: 3CL Travers Smith Seminar Series

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Tue 11 Mar 2014

'An introduction to concepts of insolvency and security: an English perspective - Part 2' - Andrew McKnight: 3CL Lecture


Andrew McKnight, senior banking lawyer, gave a series of lectures entitled "An introduction to concepts of insolvency and security: an English perspective" on 4 March 2014 at the...

Collection: 3CL Travers Smith Seminar Series

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Thu 6 Mar 2014

'An introduction to concepts of insolvency and security: an English perspective - Part 2' - Andrew McKnight: 3CL...


Andrew McKnight, senior banking lawyer, gave a series of lectures entitled "An introduction to concepts of insolvency and security: an English perspective" on 4 March 2014 at the...

Collection: 3CL Travers Smith Seminar Series

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Tue 11 Mar 2014

Are Natural Disasters Natural? Ethical, theological and pastoral issues


Talk given by Revd Dr Roger Abbot as part of short course 26

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 13 Feb 2014

Astro-Ethics and the Search for Life


Lecture given by Prof. Ted Peters as part of summer course6

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 4 Aug 2011

"Autonomous Weapons Systems: The Future?" | A Public Lecture by the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or...


Professor Christof Heyns, UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, delivers a public lecture at the University of Cambridge on the challenges for...

Collection: Centre of Governance and Human Rights

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Wed 2 Jul 2014

Bioethical Challenges for Christian Leaders


Talk given by Prof. Keith Fox at Church Leaders Course 2020

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Fri 21 Feb 2020



Talk given by Dr Andrew Perrett at Eastern Region Baptist Course 2020

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Wed 24 Nov 2021

Bioethics in the Media and Public Policy


Talk given by Prof. David Cook as part of short course 2

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Mon 9 Jul 2012

Bionic Persons: The Ethics of Enhancing Humans


Talk given by Philippa Taylor as part of short course 10

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Wed 29 Feb 2012

Boudewijn de Bruin - Ethics and the global financial crisis: Why incompetence is worse than greed


While unrestricted egoism is certainly a vice, I argue that the more serious moral defects in finance lie somewhere else.

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 5 Nov 2014

Brain science and the church


Talk given by Revd Prof. Alasdair Coles at the Science and Faith Workshop 2018

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Fri 26 Jan 2018

Brains, Minds and AI - Implications for Faith and Ethics


Talk given by Prof. Steve Furber FRS for Faraday Insititute Seminar Series 2022

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Wed 16 Feb 2022

Can Machines be Moral Agents?


Research seminar given by Prof. Nigel Crook

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 16 May 2019

Catholicity: Its Varieties and Futures | Philip McCosker


This event took place on 1 March 2019 and is part of the VHI 2019 series on 'Catholicity: Crises and Opportunities'. For more details visit:


Collection: Von Hugel Institute

Institution: Von Hugel Institute

Created: Wed 6 Mar 2019

Christian Moral Reasoning: How can it help (and should it?)


Talk given by Prof. Neil Messer as part of Short Course No. 10: Ethics on the Frontiers of Science: Religion – Help or Hindrance?

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 24 May 2018

Conflict, Refuge: Rethinking Humanitarianism


First part of the Global Human Movement Launch Event. Explore the ways in which migration challenges our contemporary ethics and moral universe.

Our speakers include Dr Rowan...

Collection: Global Human Movement Launch Events

Institution: Institute of Criminology

Created: Tue 22 Jan 2019

Crimmigration versus Integration: People's Lives, People's Voices


Second part of the Global Human Movement Launch Event.
Explore the ways in which migration challenges our contemporary ethics and moral universe.

Speakers include Professors...

Collection: Global Human Movement Launch Events

Institution: Institute of Criminology

Created: Tue 22 Jan 2019

Diane Coyle


Professor Diane Coyle, Co-Director of the Bennett for Public Policy at Cambridge, talked about the intersection of economics and ethics, statistics and new measures of well-being.

Collection: Max Cam Podcast

Institution: Department of Social Anthropology

Created: Wed 30 Oct 2019

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