Max Cam Podcast

Max Cam Podcast's image
Created: 2019-01-18 12:56
Institution: Department of Social Anthropology
Editors' group: Editors group for "Department of Social Anthropology"
Description: A collection of Podcasts published in the Max Cam Website.

Media items

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This collection contains 6 media items.


Media items

Caitlin Zaloom


Professor Caitlin Zaloom from New York University talked about her new book Indebted, and the moral conflicts that inhere in and between the American family, the financial logics...

Collection: Max Cam Podcast

Institution: Department of Social Anthropology

Created: Wed 30 Oct 2019

Diane Coyle


Professor Diane Coyle, Co-Director of the Bennett for Public Policy at Cambridge, talked about the intersection of economics and ethics, statistics and new measures of well-being.

Collection: Max Cam Podcast

Institution: Department of Social Anthropology

Created: Wed 30 Oct 2019

Eva Illouz


Collection: Max Cam Podcast

Institution: Department of Social Anthropology

Created: Mon 18 Mar 2019

Felix Stein


Collection: Max Cam Podcast

Institution: Department of Social Anthropology

Created: Thu 7 Nov 2019

Felix Stein


Collection: Max Cam Podcast

Institution: Department of Social Anthropology

Created: Thu 21 Feb 2019

Tanya Luhrmann


Collection: Max Cam Podcast

Institution: Department of Social Anthropology

Created: Thu 11 Jul 2019