Henry Royce Institute at the University of Cambridge

Henry Royce Institute at the University of Cambridge's image
Created: 2024-01-30 10:59
Institution: Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: The Henry Royce Institute is a partner of the University of Cambridge.The Royce Institute provides a network of open access deposition, fabrication and characterisation facilities at the University of Cambridge to drive the development of energy efficient materials.
All equipment is available for use by academic researchers and SME’s both locally and nationally. Seed funding is often available for projects.
Website: https://www.maxwell.cam.ac.uk/programmes/henry-royce-institute

Media items

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This collection contains 2 media items.


Media items

Deposition at the Physical Vapour Deposition and Characterisation Facility


The deposition capabilities at Royce's Physical Vapour Deposition and Characterisation Facility

Collection: Henry Royce Institute at the University of Cambridge

Institution: Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy

Created: Fri 12 Apr 2024

Royce's Ambient Processing Cluster Tool enables Clean Sample Fabrication


Listen to Dimitrios Simatos discuss how the Ambient Processing Cluster Tool and experienced technicians enable clean sample fabrication.

Collection: Henry Royce Institute at the University of Cambridge

Institution: Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy

Created: Tue 30 Jan 2024