Darwin College Green Week 2021

Darwin College Green Week 2021's image
Created: 2021-05-11 15:44
Institution: Darwin College
Editors' group: DCLS SMS Editors
Description: Green Week 2021 was put together as a collaboration between Darwin Kitchens and the DCSA Green Society. Both Ivan Higney (Darwin Catering Manager) and Meg Groom (DCSA Green Officer) have worked on this initiative as part of the Green Impact awards run by the University Environment Team and the NUS. We hoped to raise awareness within the Darwin College Community of the great practises already in place, bring new and exciting projects to life, and engage in educational and interesting sustainable practices. We hope that Green Week was, and will continue to be, a spring board for you as a Darwinian to help form and maintain our Green policies. Green Week will now feature in the annual college calendar, so please enjoy these recorded talks and look forwards to Green Week 2022!

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The Importance of Biodiversity to Humanity by Mike Rands


The future of our life on Earth is dependent on the natural world. We are learning more and more about the intricacies of our dependence on nature. Yet our natural world is...

Collection: Darwin College Green Week 2021

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Wed 12 May 2021