
Auralities's image
Created: 2020-01-06 09:24
Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Editors' group: Editors group for "Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities".
Description: The ‘Auralities’ research network is concerned with investigating, debating and understanding practices of audition, broadly conceived. Our heading is necessarily in the plural: practices of audition are shaped by wider cultural practices that shift across different times and places; differences between ‘hearing’ and listening’ have preoccupied philosophers and scientists alike; and even definitions of sound itself presume a normalized baseline of human sound perception (traditionally cited as 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz), averaged across large populations. On an individual level, too, pluralities prevail, as audition is typically understood as a psychoacoustic process that involves two ears – ‘binaurality’ – in which sound, space and time become closely entangled. Our seminar will explore these plural facets of sound, hearing and listening by bringing together scholars and practitioners from a range of disciplines across the humanities, social and natural sciences.

In particular, we aim to extend the current domains of sound studies chronologically, geographically, biologically, and culturally, to question assumptions about shared norms of hearing/listening. We are thus especially interested, somewhat paradoxically, in what we might understand as a post-aural moment in sound studies, where literal audition or the presence of audible sound are no longer presumed as a necessary part of aurality.

To join our email list, contact Dr Andrea Grant

Administrative assistance:

Media items

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This collection contains 8 media items.


Media items

Auralities - 11 November 2020 - Poetics of Place and Displacement: Poetry Reading and Discussion


Vahni Capildeo (Trinidadian British poet)

Xasan Daahir 'Weedhsame' (Somali poet)

Martin Orwin (Linguist and Translator, University of Naples "L'Orientale")...

Collection: Auralities

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Thu 10 Dec 2020

Auralities - 16 October 2019 - Technologies of Listening: Roundtable


Michael Bull (University of Sussex)

Melissa Dickson (University of Birmingham)

Salomé Voegelin (University of the Arts London)

Respondent: Steven Connor (University of...

Collection: Auralities

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 6 Jan 2020

Auralities - 23 November 2020 - Sound Art: A Conversation



Aura Satz (London-based artist)
in conversation with Harriet Loeffler (New Hall Art Collection) and Mina Gorji (Auralities Network)

About the Speaker
Aura Satz...

Collection: Auralities

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 21 Dec 2020

Auralities - 30 October 2019 - Sounding Objects: A Conversation about Foley - Rebecca Glover : Part 1 Listening_...


Rebecca Glover, Foley/sound artist, London

Part 1 Listening_ O.bjects as Filters

Collection: Auralities

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 20 Jan 2020

Auralities - 30 October 2019 - Sounding Objects: A Conversation about Foley - Rebecca Glover : Part 2 Listening_...


Rebecca Glover, Foley/sound artist, London

Part 2 Listening_ Orientation and Perspective in Sound

Collection: Auralities

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 20 Jan 2020

Auralities - 30 October 2019 - Sounding Objects: A Conversation about Foley - Rebecca Glover : Part 3 Listening_ Foley...


Rebecca Glover, Foley/sound artist, London

Part 3 Listening_ Foley and inhabiting the other

Collection: Auralities

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 20 Jan 2020