2019 CSaP Annual Conference

2019 CSaP Annual Conference's image
Created: 2019-07-09 15:30
Institution: Judge Business School
Editors' group: Members of "Judge Business School".
Description: CSaP's Annual Conference brings together members of our network from government, academia and elsewhere to discuss some of the policy challenges we have worked on over the past year such as environmental policy; emerging technologies and social care; quantum computing; risk and uncertainty; and many more.
Website: http://www.csap.cam.ac.uk/events/csap-annual-conference-2019/

Media items

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This collection contains 10 media items.


Media items

Countering Cybercrime: Building Partnerships of Interdisciplinary Research and Cross-Sector Stakeholders


Chair: Dr Tristram Riley-Smith, Partnership for Conflict, Crime and Security Research

Helen Evans, Home Office
Dr Giacomo Persi Paoli, Rand Europe
John Carney, DSTL

Collection: 2019 CSaP Annual Conference

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Tue 9 Jul 2019

Environmental Policy: Improving how we manage and incentivise land management


Environmental Policy: Improving how we manage and incentivise land management

Chair: Emma Woods, the Royal Society
Henry Dieudonné-Demaria, Department for Environment Food...

Collection: 2019 CSaP Annual Conference

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Tue 9 Jul 2019

Extreme Risks – Challenges for evidence and policy


Chair: Rumtin Sepasspour, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk

Dr Luke Kemp, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
Theresa, Go Science
Dr Dudley Hewlett, Defence,...

Collection: 2019 CSaP Annual Conference

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Tue 9 Jul 2019

Healthcare Policy: Emerging technologies for social care


Healthcare Policy: Emerging technologies for social care

Chair: George MacGinnis, UK Research & Innovation

Dr Malte Gerhold, Care Quality Commission
Christina Cornwell,...

Collection: 2019 CSaP Annual Conference

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Tue 9 Jul 2019

How Brexit is shaping the civil service


How Brexit is shaping the civil service, in five short chapters, given by Clare Moriarty, Permanent Secretary, Department for Exiting the European Union

Collection: 2019 CSaP Annual Conference

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Tue 9 Jul 2019

Impact of climate change on marine systems


Chair: Dr Molly Morgan Jones, British Academy

Dr Gemma Harper, Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Professor Robert Marsh, National Oceanography Centre,...

Collection: 2019 CSaP Annual Conference

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Wed 10 Jul 2019

Intelligence as ideology: its history and future


Intelligence as ideology: its history and future given but Dr Stephen Cave, Executive Director, Leverhulme Centre

Chair: Dr Natasha McCarthy, Head of Policy, the Royal...

Collection: 2019 CSaP Annual Conference

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Tue 9 Jul 2019

Opportunities & challenges of quantum technologies


Chair: Dr Stephen Till, Cyber and Information Systems Division, Dstl

Professor Tim Spiller, Centre for Quantum Technologies, University of York
Louis Barson, Future Sectors,...

Collection: 2019 CSaP Annual Conference

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Wed 10 Jul 2019

Place policy beyond Brexit


Chair: Professor Diane Coyle, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge

Professor Michael Kenny, Bennett Institute of Public Policy


Collection: 2019 CSaP Annual Conference

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Wed 10 Jul 2019

Technology & society


Chair: Dr Marcus Tomalin, Machine Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge University Engineering Department

Dr Leonie Tanczer, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and...

Collection: 2019 CSaP Annual Conference

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Wed 10 Jul 2019