Gray Lectures 2019

Gray Lectures 2019's image
Created: 2019-06-05 09:16
Institution: Faculty of Classics
Editors' group: Editors group for "Faculty of Classics".
Description: Professor James Porter is the Irving G. Stone Professor in Literature in the Departments of Rhetoric and Classics at UC Berkeley.

He is one of the world's leading figures in the study of literary criticism in antiquity and the application of modern theory to ancient literature.

His work ranges from Homer to Nietzsche and Lacan, and his monumental The Sublime in Antiquity won the 2017 Goodwin Award of Merit of the American Society for Classical Studies.

Media items

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Media items

The Trouble with Style


Collection: Gray Lectures 2019

Institution: Faculty of Classics

Created: Wed 5 Jun 2019

What Did Homer See?


Collection: Gray Lectures 2019

Institution: Faculty of Classics

Created: Wed 5 Jun 2019