Professor Joan Lasenby

Professor Joan Lasenby's image
Created: 2018-11-29 11:50
Institution: Trinity College
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: Professor Lasenby's lecture, ‘Using Geometry in Engineering’, will look at a range of applications of geometry in engineering, including: computer vision, computer graphics and structural engineering. It will also make connections with the mathematics of a former Trinity Fellow (1868-1871), William Kingdon Clifford.
Professor Lasenby was one of the first cohort of female undergraduates at Trinity in 1978, where she read Mathematics.

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Using Geometry in Engineering


Professor Lasenby's lecture, ‘Using Geometry in Engineering’, will look at a range of applications of geometry in engineering, including: computer vision, computer graphics and...

Collection: Professor Joan Lasenby

Institution: Trinity College

Created: Thu 29 Nov 2018