Events hosted by the Office of Scholarly Communication

Events hosted by the Office of Scholarly Communication's image
Created: 2018-11-06 11:53
Institution: Cambridge University Library
Editors' group: Members of "Cambridge University Library".
Description: Recordings of live events hosted by the University of Cambridge Office of Scholarly Communication.

Media items

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This collection contains 5 media items.

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Media items

Is Open Research really changing the world?


Much research claims to benefit communities globally but are research outputs really available to everyone, even if they are made open access? We'll take a world tour with Dr...

Collection: Events hosted by the Office of Scholarly Communication

Institution: Cambridge University Library

Created: Mon 19 Nov 2018

OASIS: Open Access Service Invoice Stamper


Short video demonstrating usage of OASIS, the flagship program of the OATs ( suite of Open Source tools. Using OASIS, members of the Open Access...

Collection: Events hosted by the Office of Scholarly Communication

Institution: Cambridge University Library

Created: Mon 7 Oct 2019
