Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects's image
Created: 2018-03-18 12:54
Institution: King's College
Editors' group: Editors group for "King's College".
Description: On a visit to Earls Colne, Essex, England in August 2006, Alan Macfarlane and Sarah Harrison, questioned by Kenong Guan and filmed by Xiaoxiao Yan, reflect on the historical projects they have been engaged in between 1973 and the present. Twenty-two short film interviews with Alan Macfarlane (and one of Sarah Harrison).]

Media items

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This collection contains 22 media items.

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Media items

A visit to Earls Colne Church: Ralph Josselin, and the origins of individualism


Visit to Earls Colne Church: the work on Josselin and individualism. We visited Earls Colne Church and talked about Ralph Josselin’s Diary which we had edited to the present...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

Anthropology, the need for comparison and the absence of a peasantry in England.


Anthropology, the need for comparison and the absence of English peasants. Alan talks about the effects of moving from history to anthropology and the effects of working as an...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

Feudalism in England and Japan.


Feudalism in England and Japan and its central features. The nature of feudalism in England; Maitland’s definitions, that England was the most and least feudal of societies; all...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

How landed property worked in England.


How landed property worked in England. Types of property, all owned by the King; how the manorial system works and what it was. The Earl of Oxford, demesne and copyhold property...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

How the Earls Colne project was organized


How the Earls Colne project was organized and run. A description of the Earls Colne project and how it was undertaken. The enjoyment of group research, the role of the ESRC...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

How the English legal system affected the family; the links to capitalism.


How the English legal system altered the family and created individualism. The effects of feudalism on the family system; impartible inheritance, primogeniture and the...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

Japan and China and their differences.


Japan and China and their differences. Reasons for studying Japan, Japan and China compared; China never feudal in the full sense, but patrimonial, not full devolution of power in...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

Leaving England in order to see England.


Going away in order to see England in perspective. Sarah Harrison talks on the value of getting England into perspective by going out of the country. There is so much old material...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

Modifications to the original argument in 'Origins of English Individualism' in later work.


Modifications to the original argument in ‘Origins of English Individualism’. What I find I had got wrong in Individualism; the timing was wrong and the reasons for this. Later I...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

Private, public and semi-private property in England and its link to capitalism.


Private, public and semi-private property in England. The difficulty of understanding English private and also simultaneous public rights, as in King’s College Cambridge which is...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

Reactions to critics of 'The Origins of English Individualism'.


The reactions of critics to ‘English Individualism’. The reactions to English Individualism very divided, the sign of a paradigm change, the hostile reviews of Marxist historians...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

Some reasons for the controversy over 'English Individualism' and replies to critics.


Some reasons for the controversy over ‘English Individualism’. The controversy over my argument in ‘Origins of English Individualism’; the large number of reviews. The book hit a...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

The ancient woodland of England.


The ancient woodland of England. Standing in the ancient wood of Chalkney Wood in Earls Colne, some reflections on its old history of over 1700 years. The nature of coppicing, the...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

The continuity of English history and the undermining of historical certainties.


The continuity of English history and the undermining of historical certainties. The effects of studying a village over a period of 500 years through the records. It gives a...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

The difference between islands and continents in political and economic structure.


Difference between islands and continents. Feudalism and the differences between Japan, China and England. The differences between islands and continental structures, difficulty...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

The great divergence between Europe and China.


The great divergence between east and west. Ken Pomeranz on the ‘Great Divergence’ thesis, when compared to the records of Earls Colne, a very great difference from China; England...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

The influence of a history teacher.


The influence of an early teacher. The influence of my sixth form history teacher Andrew Morgan in instilling an earlier vision before I became absorbed by the new Marxist...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

The influence of the study of Earls Colne


The influence of Earls Colne on my other writings. How my various books came out of work on Earls Cone – all my English books, ‘The Savage Wars of Peace’ and others, are based on...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

The nature of peasant society and what made England different.


The nature of peasant societies and why England was not peasant. What are feudal and peasant societies? Definitions and explanations of the nature of peasantry. The...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

The wealth and continuity of life in an English parish over a period of five hundred years.


The wealth and continuity of life in an English parish. Further film outside the Church. Reflections on English Churches and the wealth that they demonstrate, partly from the East...

Collection: Visit to Earls Colne, Essex in August 2006 - description of various projects

Institution: King's College

Created: Sun 18 Mar 2018

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