2018 Christ’s College Climate Seminars: Thinking creatively about climate change
Created: | 2018-01-22 15:35 |
Institution: | Judge Business School |
Editors' group: | (not set) |
Description: | The Centre for Science and Policy and Christ's College have worked with Professor Charles Kennel, Emeritus Director at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, to convene a series of seminars on thinking creatively about climate change. This series will address three questions: In what ways are climates changing? What meanings are ascribed to these changes? And what is the scope for future interventions? The series will explore questions from scientific, cultural and policy perspectives.
Website: | http://www.csap.cam.ac.uk/events/thinking-creatively-about-climate-change/ |
Media items
This collection contains 4 media items.
Media items
Climate Seminar 1: Whatever happened to the hiatus in warming?
The first seminar in the Christ's College Climate series, Professor Charles Kennel, Director Emeritus of the Sripps Institution of Oceanography, discusses discussing how Global...
Collection: 2018 Christ’s College Climate Seminars: Thinking creatively about climate change
Institution: Judge Business School
Created: Mon 22 Jan 2018
Climate Seminar 2:Scenarios of Climate Change: cultural responses to unsettled times and uncertain futures
The second seminar by Dr Renata Tyszczuk, Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, discussing the history of scenarios in thinking about unsettled times...
Collection: 2018 Christ’s College Climate Seminars: Thinking creatively about climate change
Institution: Judge Business School
Created: Tue 30 Jan 2018
Climate seminar 3: The Cultural Functions of Climate
The third seminar of the series was given by Professor Mike Hulme, Professor of Human Geography. Professor Hulme, discussing the idea of the environmental humanities -...
Collection: 2018 Christ’s College Climate Seminars: Thinking creatively about climate change
Institution: Judge Business School
Created: Mon 5 Feb 2018
Climate seminar 4: Climate science and policy - tales of the unexpected
The seminar was given by Dr Steve Smith, Head of Climate Science at Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. Dr Smith will discusses three stories of unexpected...
Collection: 2018 Christ’s College Climate Seminars: Thinking creatively about climate change
Institution: Judge Business School
Created: Thu 15 Feb 2018