Statistics Meets the Public's Health Seminar Series

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Created: 2016-03-16 16:36
Institution: MRC Biostatistics Unit
Editors' group: Editors group for "MRC Biostatistics Unit"
Description: Videos for talks in the seminar series called 'Statistics Meets the Public's Health' heald at Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

Thursday 26th November 2015
Professor Sheila M. Bird, MRC Biostatistics Unit
“Biostatistician behind bars: by design and on trial”

Thursday 17th March 2016
Professor Lorenz Wernisch, MRC Biostatistics Unit
"Rowing, statistics, and my genes: a cautionary tale"

Thursday 19th May 2016
Professor Sylvia Richardson, MRC Biostatistics Unit
"Mapping Health"

Media items

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This collection contains 4 media items.


Media items

"Mapping Health" - By Professor Sylvia Richardson


Professor Richardson's talk is part of a new series of non-technical talks aiming to illustrate how statistics helps to find answers to a range of public health related questions....

Collection: Statistics Meets the Public's Health Seminar Series

Institution: MRC Biostatistics Unit

Created: Fri 23 Sep 2016

"Rowing, statistics, and my genes: a cautionary tale"


Talk by Professor Lorenz Wernisch from the MRC Biostatistics Unit, for new and unique seminar series called 'Statistics Meets the Public's Health' - a series of non-technical...

Collection: Statistics Meets the Public's Health Seminar Series

Institution: MRC Biostatistics Unit

Created: Tue 23 Aug 2016

Using statistics to estimate the extent of dementia in the population


A talk by Professor Fiona Matthews for a lay audience.

Professor Fiona Matthews is interested in using cutting edge statistical methods to investigate ageing, healthy life...

Collection: Statistics Meets the Public's Health Seminar Series

Institution: MRC Biostatistics Unit

Created: Thu 12 Jan 2017

“Biostatistician behind bars: by design and on trial” By Professor Sheila M. Bird


First talk in new and unique seminar series - non-technical talks aiming to illustrate how statistics helps to find answers to a range of public health related questions. By...

Collection: Statistics Meets the Public's Health Seminar Series

Institution: MRC Biostatistics Unit

Created: Wed 17 Aug 2016