ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast's image
Created: 2015-02-13 10:37
Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications
Editors' group: SMS uploaders group for "Office of Communications".
Description: This is ELECTION, the weekly Cambridge politics podcast, which tackles the biggest questions from new angles. Last season it asked the questions no-one else did in the run up to the UK's General Election: in Season II, it's going international. 

From January until April, ELECTION will look at the US Presidential election and other elections around the world, exploring the current state of democracy and the many challenges it faces in 2016. 

It will continue to take the temperature of British politics, after last year's remarkable election and the even more remarkable events that followed. Can Corbyn hold the Labour Party together? Will Britain be leaving the EU? Where is opposition to the government going to come from? 

With David Runciman, Helen Thompson, Finbarr Livesey and Chris Brooke, plus new voices and a new series of guests, ELECTION promises insights from the worlds of science, history, philosophy and beyond. 

A new episode every Thursday morning: please join us for the most interesting politics conversation out there.

More information at http://www.cam.ac.uk/election
Website: http://www.cam.ac.uk/election

Media items

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This collection contains 36 media items.

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Media items

S01-EP01 - Maurice Glasman on democracy, creative destruction and Wolf Hall


David interviews Lord (Maurice) Glasman - Labour peer, academic, and architect of ‘Blue Labour’ – for his predictions on the outcome of 2015, the future of the Labour Party, and...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Fri 13 Feb 2015

S01-EP02 - Martin Rees on surviving this century, scientists in politics, and 2015


How can we reconcile short-term politics with the long-term global problems we face? Should scientists wield more political power? Is it fair to criticise politicians for faults...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 18 Feb 2015

S01-EP03 - Martin Jacques on the global perspective, Britain’s decline, & China’s rise


David asks Martin Jacques – journalist, academic, and author of the bestseller When China Rules the World – if this election matters in global terms. Will the transformation of...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 25 Feb 2015

S01-EP04 - John Naughton on Facebook in Politics, Edward Snowden, & Surveillance


Could Facebook really decide the outcome of this election? Is the Internet a positive force for democracy? Why is global surveillance, as unveiled by Edward Snowden, not an...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 4 Mar 2015

S01-EP05 - Clare Jackson on the United Kingdom, Scotland & the politics of memory


Will the United Kingdom stay together? What have England’s politicians got wrong that Scotland’s have got right? Which had the greater impact on the Scottish Independence...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 11 Mar 2015

S01-EP06 - Rae Langton on Charlie Hebdo, free speech vs hate speech & blasphemy


What constitutes hate speech? Does the Press do more harm than good in our democracy? When should words become the government’s business? We put these questions to Professor Rae...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 18 Mar 2015

S01-EP07 - SPECIAL: Michael Howard & Stephan Shakespeare on Margaret Thatcher, the true power of polls, and the impact...


Could Margaret Thatcher have won this election? How would the Iron Lady have handled UKIP? Who would win more seats in 2015 – her or David Cameron? In a special episode featuring...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 25 Mar 2015

S01-EP08 - Robert Tombs on Britishness, Britain's place in Europe & the NHS


What makes our politics uniquely ‘British’? Why is there no English Independence Party? How did the NHS become a sacred cow? And will Britannia ever rule the waves again? David...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 1 Apr 2015

S01-EP09 - Simon Szreter on conspiracy theories, trust in politics & solutions


It is said that trust in politics is at an all-time low. Our politicians are seen as out of touch and out to fill their own pockets. But when does mistrust become something more...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 8 Apr 2015

S01-EP10 - Barbara Sahakian on psychology, politics & well-being


Are our brains hardwired to be left-wing or right-wing? How did mental health become a hot political issue? What advice can brain scientists give politicians to help get their...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 15 Apr 2015

S01-EP11 - Sherry Coutu on education, stimulating business & coalitions


In this election the economy has been centre stage - we know what the politicians think, but what about the business community? Are the fortunes of British business rising or...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 22 Apr 2015

S01-EP12 - Richard N. Haass on foreign policy, the US perspective & Northern Ireland


UK politicians have defined this election as the most important for a generation, but is that how it’s seen outside the British bubble? Is this an election with worldwide...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 29 Apr 2015

S01-EP13 - David Howarth on winning an election, Polling Day & the future of democracy


With one day to go, we interview the former politician and academic David Howarth – who won a surprise victory to become the Liberal Democrat MP for Cambridge in 2005 – for his...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 6 May 2015

S01-EP14 - ELECTION RESULT SPECIAL: Former guests discuss the outcome PLUS Chris Huhne on the Lib Dem collapse,...


After one of the most unexpected election results in modern political history, we debate what won it for the Conservatives. Was it personality, fear, money, or the issues - and...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 13 May 2015

S01-EP15 - Richard Danbury on television debates, old vs new media & the BBC


In the penultimate episode of the series, we interview one of the deputy editors of the pioneering prime ministerial television debates in 2010 and a producer of Jeremy Paxman’s...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 20 May 2015

S01-EP16 - FINALE: Remembering a remarkable election PLUS Lord Grabiner on the Human Rights Act, the future of Labour &...


In the final episode of the series, the team debate what we will remember about this election. We’ve had television debates, a remarkable exit poll, and the ‘Ed Stone’ – but what...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 27 May 2015

S01-EP17 The Election Podcast returns for a special edition, recorded in front of a live audience as part of the...


We ask special guest Charles Clarke - the former Labour Home Secretary - about political leadership, the Corbyn phenomenon, and what he thinks Labour needs to do in opposition to...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 27 Oct 2015

S02 - EP11 - John Judis on 'the emerging Democratic majority' and the perils of predicting where America might be...


What will Obama's legacy be? This week we take stock of the last eight years and ask whether history will look kindly on the Obama presidency. Our special guest is John Judis,...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 31 Mar 2016

S02 - EP11 - John Judis on 'the emerging Democratic majority' and the perils of predicting where America might be...


This week the election panel wonder what - if anything - the BBC adaptation of Le Carre's novel 'The Night Manager' has to say about the UK's place in the world.

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 31 Mar 2016

S02-EP 13 Paul Cartledge on democracy ancient and modern: what can we learn from Greeks?


Democracies ancient and modern: just how far have we come from the ancient Athenian idea of democracy and what can we do to get back to it? Are we still really democracies at...

Collection: ELECTION - The Cambridge Politics Podcast

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 14 Apr 2016

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