11th Annual Disability Lecture 2014: Creating Mentally Inclusive Communities: Embracing Distress as Part of Everyday Life

11th Annual Disability Lecture  2014: Creating Mentally Inclusive Communities: Embracing Distress as Part of Everyday Life's image
Created: 2014-03-28 11:15
Institution: Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre
Editors' group: Editors group for "Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre".
Description: Clinical psychologist Dr Rachel Perkins spoke about creating mentally healthy environments. She develops and influences the development of mental health services nationally and internationally and her work has had significant impact on the lives of service users returning to work. Dr Perkins lives and works with a mental health condition, was 2010 Mind Champion of the Year and was awarded an OBE for services to mental health.

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11th Annual Disability Lecture 2014: Creating Mentally Inclusive Communities: Embracing Distress as Part of Everyday...


Clinical psychologist Dr Rachel Perkins will spoke about creating mentally healthy environments. She develops and influences the development of mental health services nationally...

Collection: 11th Annual Disability Lecture 2014: Creating Mentally Inclusive Communities: Embracing Distress as Part of Everyday Life

Institution: Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre

Created: Fri 28 Mar 2014