Introduction to Persian Calligraphy - Lectures

Introduction to Persian Calligraphy - Lectures's image
Created: 2013-10-31 17:07
Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Editors' group: Editors group for "Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies".
Description: A series of lectures on topics in Persian Calligraphy

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This collection contains 3 media items.


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Calligraphy and calligraphers at the Mogul court, 16th-17th centuries


Lecture given on Wednesday, 30th October, 2013 by Dr Saqib Baburi (Simon Digby Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for South Asian Studies, SOAS)

Collection: Introduction to Persian Calligraphy - Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Thu 31 Oct 2013

Masterpieces of Persian Calligraphy in India


Lecture given on Friday, 8th November, 2013 by Dr Hamid Reza Ghelichkani (Visiting Fellow, British Institute of Persian Studies)

Collection: Introduction to Persian Calligraphy - Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Mon 11 Nov 2013

Signed buildings: the visibility of the architect in early modern Iran


Lecture given on Thursday, 21st November, 2013 by Dr Sussan Babaie (The Courtauld Institute of Art)

Collection: Introduction to Persian Calligraphy - Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Created: Fri 22 Nov 2013