Classical social theory - 8 lectures by Alan Macfarlane c. 2004

Classical social theory - 8 lectures by Alan Macfarlane c. 2004's image
Created: 2013-02-04 09:41
Institution: King's College
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: A set of eight lectures for second year social anthropology students at the University of Cambridge. They give an overview of some theories and theorists in the social sciences, from Montesquieu to Gellner. The series is related to Alan Macfarlane's book 'The Riddle of the Modern World'.

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Lecture 1: A rough map of social theory 1000-2000 A.D. Alan Macfarlane c. 2004


A broad overview of the major paradigms in the social sciences, from circular time, through evolutionism up to modern theories. See also the series of lectures on Streaming Media...

Collection: Classical social theory - 8 lectures by Alan Macfarlane c. 2004

Institution: King's College

Created: Tue 5 Feb 2013

Lecture 3: Adam Smith (1723-1790)


A lecture on the founder of modern economics and much of social theory - Adam Smith

Collection: Classical social theory - 8 lectures by Alan Macfarlane c. 2004

Institution: King's College

Created: Fri 15 Feb 2013

Lecture 5: Karl Marx (1818-1883) Alan Macfarlane c. 2004


The philosopher, economist and social thinker and prophet, Karl Marx

Collection: Classical social theory - 8 lectures by Alan Macfarlane c. 2004

Institution: King's College

Created: Fri 15 Feb 2013

Lecture 6: Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) Alan Macfarlane c. 2004


One of the founders of modern sociology, Emile Durkheim

Collection: Classical social theory - 8 lectures by Alan Macfarlane c. 2004

Institution: King's College

Created: Fri 15 Feb 2013

Lecture 7: Max Weber (1864 -1920) Alan Macfarlane c. 2004


The great social theorist Max Weber, whose works span the world.

Collection: Classical social theory - 8 lectures by Alan Macfarlane c. 2004

Institution: King's College

Created: Fri 15 Feb 2013

Lecture 8: Ernest Gellner (1925-1995) Alan Macfarlane c.2004


A modern polymath - philosopher, anthropologist and sociologist and heir of Weber

Collection: Classical social theory - 8 lectures by Alan Macfarlane c. 2004

Institution: King's College

Created: Fri 15 Feb 2013

Lecture 9: F. W. Maitland (1850 - 1906) Supplementary lecture. Alan Macfarlane c. 2004


One of the greatest of historians and legal theorists and someone who provided the key to unlock the mystery of modernity.

Collection: Classical social theory - 8 lectures by Alan Macfarlane c. 2004

Institution: King's College

Created: Fri 15 Feb 2013