Centre for Pioneer Learning

Centre for Pioneer Learning's image
Created: 2011-03-03 11:12
Institution: Ridley Hall
Editors' group: Media management at Ridley
Description: The Centre for Pioneer Learning aims to serve all pioneers who are establishing new forms of church and taking the church to new places throughout the UK and the world.

Our aim is to establish an environment where pioneers can learn together, be resourced and supported in their pioneering roles. We want to work with you in taking pioneering forward in its scope and effectiveness.

We want to establish training for pioneers by pioneers while also recognising the need to learn from others with skills, insights and experiences which may help pioneers.

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Media items

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This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

Adrian Chatfield: Free and Rooted


Adrian Chatfield introduces the Free and Rooted conference. Speaking from Philipians 2 he presents a radical image of the church as a self-emptying (kenotic) church. That is a...

Collection: Centre for Pioneer Learning

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Sat 5 Mar 2011

Adrian Chatfield: Free and Rooted Pt. 2


Adrian Chatfield speaks on the call of the church to be a church in crisis, called in every age to pioneer the Gospel and re-infect the world with worship of God. Adrian looks at...

Collection: Centre for Pioneer Learning

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Sat 5 Mar 2011

Dave Male: Free and Rooted


Dave Male speaks on the interaction between church and culture at the CfPL leadership conference "Free and Rooted" (Nov 2010).

Collection: Centre for Pioneer Learning

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 3 Mar 2011