Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa

Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa 's image
Created: 2011-01-04 17:43
Institution: Faculty of Education
Editors' group: SMS - CPD resource editors
Description: The OER4Schools Project assesses the feasibility of providing Open Educational Resources (OER) to ICT- and Internet-equipped primary schools in Zambia, and of supporting interactive forms of subject teaching with the new resources. It also identifies and responds to the needs of school-based professional development adapted to the local context. The project is conducted in a North-South partnership between the Centre for Commonwealth Education (CCE) at University of Cambridge (our host and sponsor), Institute of Distance Education at University of Zambia, National In-Service Teachers College (NISTCOL, Zambia),, Ministry of Education (Zambia), OER Africa, VVOB (Belgium), Participatory Culture Foundation (USA), and Aptivate (NGO, UK). The project directors are Sara Hennessy and Bjoern Hassler of CCE. While the project is conducted in Zambia, it is anticipated to be relevant to a wide range of countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

In Phase 1, a pilot project (August 2009-May 2010), we worked with 8 teachers in 3 primary schools – developing, supporting and trialling uses of OERs combined with new pedagogical approaches for teaching mathematics. The research elicited some messages for embedding basic ICT and OER use in teacher education.

In Phase 2, we are creating a professional development resource that could be used in pre-service education or in-service by groups of teachers working together. The resource supports interactive teaching and collaborative, inquiry-based learning through using ICT, digital OER and Open Source software – as appropriate for teachers’ own purposes and settings. It includes a mixture of lesson video clip examples from African contexts, building on an established process for teacher-led discussion, trialling new ideas, peer observation and joint reflection, all stimulated and guided by the professional development materials.

Media items

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This collection contains 8 media items.


Media items

ANTSIT presentation at HumCentre-CCE seminar (March 2011): Mobile Technologies for Education in the Developing World


This is the screen recording of a Prezi presentation made by Bjoern Hassler and Sara Hennessy of the Centre for Commonwealth Education (CCE), University of Cambridge, reporting...

Collection: Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 18 Apr 2011

Interactive Lesson using a projector to prompt group work


This clip shows a teacher in Zambia of 7th grade students using a projector to display a map of Africa, and then assign smaller tasks to groups to discuss over atlases and books....

Collection: Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Sun 21 Aug 2011

Interactive Lesson using MobiMaths Visual Mapping


This clip shows a teacher in Zambia of 7th grade students using the Android app called MobiMaths, developed by a joint team at Trinity College Dublin and the National Digital...

Collection: Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Sun 21 Aug 2011

Interactive Lesson – Iterative Simple Division


This clip shows a teacher in Zambia of 2nd grade students using an interactive method to review simple division problems. The students have previously been taught division, so...

Collection: Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Sun 21 Aug 2011

OER4School presentation at HumCentre-CCE seminar (November 2010): Introducing digital OER into Zambian schools


This is a video recording of a presentation made by Sara Hennessy and Bjoern Hassler of the Centre for Commonwealth Education (CCE), University of Cambridge. It reports the...

Collection: Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Thu 14 Jul 2011

One Zambian teacher’s experience of introducing interactive teaching with ICT


This short clip shows a Zambian primary school teacher presenting at the e-Learning Africa Conference (May 2010) her personal experiences of participating in Phase 1 of the...

Collection: Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 21 Jan 2011

Zambian students explain their GeoGebra activity to the class after laptop use


In this 1-minute clip a group of Grade 9 boys in a rural Zambian school explain to their peers what coordinates are. This followed groupwork using GeoGebra software ...

Collection: Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Wed 6 Apr 2011

Zambian students play game "Unblock Me" on touch-screen tablets


The objective of Un-Block Me ( is to move a red brick out of a rectangular space by moving other bricks out of the way (some can move...

Collection: Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 4 Apr 2011