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Media items

2019 Bennett Conference: The Wealth Economy: Social & Natural Capital


This audio recording features the introduction and panel one on climate change, sustainability and economics from the 2019 Bennett Conference.

Collection: Website

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Mon 20 May 2019

2024 Climate Lecture - On nature, biodiversity and climate


The 2024 Christ's College Climate Lecture was delivered by Sir Patrick Vallance, Chair of The Natural History Museum, and former Government Chief Scientific Adviser. The lecture...

Collection: Centre for Science & Policy

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Wed 24 Jan 2024

#38 Amsterdam to INI... by bicycle! An interview with Antoine Gagnebin


Dan Aspel catches up with Antoine Gagnebin, an INI workshop participant who's made the exciting decision to travel from Amsterdam to Cambridge by bicycle. Find out the "how" and...

Collection: Living Proof - the Isaac Newton Institute podcast

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Tue 19 Apr 2022

Can We Enhance the Imago Dei? A Theological Assessment of Genetic Alteration, Nanotechnology and Transhumanism


Lecture given by Ted Peters as part of the Sustainability in Crisis Conference on 28th September 2011

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 7 Jun 2018

Climate and sustainability students' open meeting


An open meeting took place on 15 February 2024 for students to see a presentation and join a Q&A session on the topic of climate and sustainability at the University.

Collection: Open meetings

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Mon 4 Mar 2024

Climate leadership and business sustainability by Dr Stephen Peake


"We are creating a massive ecological debt by borrowing from the future at a rate that is completely incompatible and unsustainable. We need a new form of capitalism, one where we...

Collection: Judge Business School

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2009

Confronting Climate Risks: Overcoming the 'Tragedy of the Horizons'


Rowan Douglas, Chairman of the Willis Research Network, discusses whether the major long term risks of climate change are unable to adequately influence short term business...

Collection: Climate and Sustainability in Multiple Dimensions

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Tue 10 Mar 2015

Consumption and Wellbeing: Christian Values and Sustainability


Research seminar given by Sir Brian Heap

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 13 Sep 2012

Ditch the 2 degree warming goal


Professor Charles Kennel discusses whether the widespread goal to stop global warming at 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels is in fact misguided.

Collection: Climate and Sustainability in Multiple Dimensions

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Mon 2 Mar 2015

Dr Jonathan Cullen - Sustainable Materials: With Both Eyes Open


Dr Jonathan Cullen explores our society's addiction to materials and how carbon emissions can be reduced.

Collection: Fitzwilliam College lectures

Institution: Fitzwilliam College

Created: Thu 2 Oct 2014

Ecology, Biodiversity and Sustainability


Talk given by Dr Marie Connett Porceddu as part of short course 11

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Tue 14 Feb 2012

Emerging Clean Technology Industries in the United States


Clean technology industries are emerging and attracting significant attention from policy-makers, entrepreneurs and investors. Dr. Gregory Theyel discusses the location and firm...

Collection: Manufacturing Thursdays Seminars, Institute for Manufacturing

Institution: Department of Engineering

Created: Fri 5 Mar 2010

Festival of Ideas - Happiness and Sustainability


Professor John O'Neill addresses two questions about sustainability: Is it possible to maintain or improve well-being without increasing consumption? Is it possible to extend the...

Collection: Happiness and Sustainability

Institution: Faculty of Philosophy

Created: Mon 31 Oct 2011

Fitzwilliam College Foundation Lecture 2019 - Professor Bhaskar Vira - 'From the Himalayas to the Fens: Towards a...


In this year's Foundation Lecture, Professor Bhaskar Vira shares his thoughts about the difficult choices and trade-offs associated with balancing the needs of humans and nature,...

Collection: Fitzwilliam College lectures

Institution: Fitzwilliam College

Created: Fri 17 Jan 2020

Governing for Sustainability


Lecture given by Paul Chambers as part of the Sustainability in Crisis Conference on 28th September 2011

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Mon 17 Oct 2011

Governing for Sustainability Panel Discussion


Panel discussion between Andy Atkins, Douglas Crawford-Brown and Peter Melchett as part of the Sustainability in Crisis Conference, 28th September 2011

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Tue 18 Oct 2011

Heritage and Planning


A discussion on heritage and planning issues related to sustainable retrofit of existing properties.

Collection: GreenBRIDGE Sustainable Retrofit Series

Institution: Department of Architecture

Created: Sun 28 Apr 2013

IfM Podcast: Industrial Sustainability - paradox or paradigm?


IfM's Centre for Industrial Sustainability is focused on increasing our understanding of how to transform industrial behaviour to develop more sustainable environments, economies...

Collection: Institute for Manufacturing (IfM)

Institution: Department of Engineering

Created: Tue 23 May 2017

Mountain Messages: Knowledge, Values, and Decision Making in the Himalayas - Part 1


Dr Hildegard Diemberger's talk on the tensions between globalised and localised experiences of climate change in the final seminar of the Multiple Dimensions of Climate Change...

Collection: Climate and Sustainability in Multiple Dimensions

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Wed 13 May 2015

Mountain Messages: Knowledge, Values, and Decision Making in the Himalayas - Part 2


Professor Brian Wynne responds to Dr Hildegard Diemberger's talk and continues the discussion on the tensions between globalised and localised experiences of climate change in the...

Collection: Climate and Sustainability in Multiple Dimensions

Institution: Judge Business School

Created: Wed 13 May 2015

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