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Media items

16.11.12 Some social logics of sharing: From Web 2.0 to the therapeutic narrative


I would like to suggest a framework that takes into account two spheres of sharing: ‘sharing economies,’ both of production and consumption; and intimate interpersonal...

Collection: Social and Developmental Psychology Seminar Series

Institution: Department of Psychology

Created: Fri 18 Jan 2013

30.04.13 How Do Mindreaders Model Minds?


What it is to be a mindreader? Mindreading involves representing mental states. And just as representing physical states requires having some model of the physical, so equally...

Collection: Social and Developmental Psychology Seminar Series

Institution: Department of Psychology

Created: Wed 1 May 2013

Accidents: Cambridge Psychology 1919-1945


Cambridge Psychology 1919-1945

Collection: History of the Department of Psychology

Institution: Department of Psychology

Created: Wed 6 Nov 2019

Andreas Kapardis - The whole is more than the sum of the parts: narrowing the gap between Psychology and Law


What is the evidence for, and why do some people confess to, crimes they have not committed? How reliable is the testimony provided by eyewitnesses, especially by children? Can...

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 16 Jan 2013

Brain Imaging and Religious Experience


Lecture given by Dr Alasdair Coles as part of Summer Course 5

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Mon 16 Aug 2010

Clive Sherlock - What is emotion and how does it affect the body and mind? 
Western Psychology meets Buddhist insight


How our reactions to emotion cause depression, anxiety, anger, stress, rage and other psychological problems and what can be done about it.

Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Mon 11 Nov 2013

Consciousness in Psychological and Christian Perspectives


Talk given by Dr William Struthers as part of Summer Course 5

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Wed 28 Jul 2010

Conversations Without Words


Nicky Clayton and Clive Wilkins dancing Argentine tango together.

Collection: Prof Nicola Clayton

Institution: Department of Psychology

Created: Thu 25 Apr 2013

Does Cognitive Psychology Subvert Religious Belief?


Research Seminar given by Prof. James Jones Tuesday 14th May 2013

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Wed 22 May 2013

Episodes From the Early History of the Department of Psychology


A lecture by Professor John Mollon

Collection: Department of Psychology Archive

Institution: Department of Psychology

Created: Thu 19 Apr 2018

Experimental Psychology of Religion


Seminar talk given by Dr Jonathan Jong

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Tue 1 Dec 2020

Extreme Rowing


Extreme Rowing
Roz Savage MBE, Ocean Rower, Yale University
Darwin College Lecture Series 2017 – Extremes

Collection: Extremes – Darwin College Lecture Series 2017

Institution: Darwin College

Created: Tue 14 Feb 2017

Finding the Permalink on IDiscover


You will need the permalink to request a book on Click and Collect service.

Collection: Psychology Library - Instructions

Institution: Department of Psychology

Created: Mon 7 Sep 2020

Forgiveness, gratitude and hope in psychology and theology


Talk given by Dr Liz Gulliford as part of short course 32 (The Believing Brain)

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 28 Jan 2016

Full-time MPhil student


Connor Quinn discusses his experience as a full-time MPhil student in the Psychology and Education Masters.

Collection: Psychology and Education Masters

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Thu 24 Jan 2013

Good parenting: an evidence based perspective at the Festival of Ideas, clip 1


The issue of problem behaviour in teenagers.
This session reviews the evidence concerning parenting in the diverse range of families that characterise society, as well as drawing...

Collection: Festival of Ideas 2010

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 3 Nov 2010

Good parenting: an evidence based perspective at the Festival of Ideas, clip 2


New family forms.
This session reviewed evidence concerning parenting in the diverse range of families that characterise contemporary society, as well as drawing out lessons for...

Collection: Festival of Ideas 2010

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 3 Nov 2010

Good parenting: an evidence based perspective at the Festival of Ideas, clip 3


Ongoing child development
This session reviewed evidence concerning parenting in the diverse range of families that characterise contemporary society, as well as drawing out...

Collection: Festival of Ideas 2010

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 3 Nov 2010

Harnessing New Technology to Better Understand the Family Language Environment


Dr Elian Fink talks about collaborational project Baby Talk, where they used a light-weight wearable pedometer to record infant-caregiver interactions.

Collection: PEDAL Centre

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Wed 4 Oct 2017

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