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Media items

'40 Years an EU Lawyer - Apologia pro vita sua (40 Years and Still Motoring)': The 2011 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Mon 11 Apr 2011

'40 Years an EU Lawyer - Apologia pro vita sua (40 Years and Still Motoring)': The 2011 Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture (audio)


The Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) hosts an annual public lecture in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, the first British Judge to be President of the Court of Justice....

Collection: The Mackenzie-Stuart Lecture: The Centre for European Legal Studies (audio)

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Mon 13 Feb 2012