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Media items

1 John Caius: History as Argument


In his first lecture, Professor Grafton analyses the reading practices of John Caius (1510-1573) and highlights Caius's adoption of the annal tradition and of renewing documents.

Collection: Sandars Lectures 2016

Institution: Academic Division

Created: Fri 29 Jan 2016

2 Matthew Parker: History as Archive


In his second lecture, Professor Grafton analyses what Matthew Parker (1504-1575) might have thought he was doing while he was in the process of compiling what is now known as the...

Collection: Sandars Lectures 2016

Institution: Academic Division

Created: Fri 29 Jan 2016

Buddha's Word


A lecture given by Dr Hildegard Diemberger on 'Buddha's Word', an exhibition at the Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology. This lecture formed part of the launch event for the...

Collection: Fellows' Research at Pembroke College

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Mon 9 Feb 2015

James English - 14 April 2016 - Revisiting the "Great Divide”: The Past, the Future, and the Contemporary Novel


James English (University of Pennsylvania): Revisiting the "Great Divide”: The Past, the Future, and the Contemporary Novel

Conference Details



Collection: CRASSH

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Thu 21 Apr 2016

The Perfect Desk


Cambridge Libraries

Collection: Cambridge Libraries

Institution: English Faculty Library

Created: Thu 26 Nov 2015