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'Beauty and the BEast': Inferno XXXI, Purgatorio XXXI, Paradiso XXXI


Prof Catherine Pickstock (Cambridge)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Thu 10 Mar 2016

'Brooks, Melting Snow, River of Light': Inferno XXX, Purgatorio XXX, Paradiso XXX


Prof Piero Boitani (University La Sapienza, Rome)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Thu 10 Mar 2016

Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy - The Eights


'Civitas and love: looking backward from Paradiso VIII to Purgatorio VIII to Inferno VIII' - Prof BRENDA DEEN SCHILDGEN (UC Davis)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Fri 27 Sep 2013

Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy - The Fives


Inferno V, Purgatorio V, Paradiso V, Prof Robin Kirkpatrick (Cambridge)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Fri 12 Apr 2013

Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy - The Fours


Inferno IV, Purgatorio IV, Paradiso IV, Dr John Marenbon (Cambridge)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Fri 12 Apr 2013

Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy - The Ones


Inferno I, Purgatorio I, Paradiso I
Dr George Corbett (Cambridge)
Dr Heather Webb (Cambridge)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Sat 15 Dec 2012

Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy - The Sevens


The wheeling sevens: language, heavenly power, and justice: Inferno VII, Purgatorio VII, Paradiso VII' - Professor Simon Gilson (Warwick)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Fri 19 Jul 2013

Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy - The Sixes


Inferno VI, Purgatorio VI, Paradiso VI, Prof Claire Honess (Leeds)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Sat 13 Apr 2013

Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy - The Threes


Inferno III, Purgatorio III, Paradiso III, Dr Vittorio Montemaggi (Notre Dame)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Tue 18 Dec 2012

Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy - The Twos


Inferno II, Purgatorio II, Paradiso II, Dr M. Treherne (Leeds)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Mon 17 Dec 2012

'Centaurs, Spiders, and Saints: Inferno XII, Purgatorio XII, Paradiso XII'


Prof. Christian Moevs (University of Notre Dame)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Sat 29 Mar 2014

'Changes: Inferno XXV, Purgatorio XXV Paradiso XXV


Professor George Ferzoco (Bristol)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Mon 19 Oct 2015

Clive Wilmer on Dante's 'Divine Comedy'


Clive Wilmer, a Fellow in English as well as a poet, introduces and reflects upon Dante's 'Divina Commedia', focusing particularly on the first part, 'Inferno'.

Collection: Sidney Greats Lectures (1) Lent 2012

Institution: Sidney Sussex College

Created: Tue 20 Mar 2012

'Fatherlands: Inferno XV, Purgatorio XV, Paradiso XV'


Prof. Simone Marchesi (University of Princeton)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Tue 6 May 2014

'God's Beloved: From Pitch, through Script to Writ: Inferno XXI, Purgatorio XXI, Paradiso XXI'


Prof. Corinna Salvadori Lonergan (Trinity College, Dublin)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Sat 18 Apr 2015

'Humility and the (P)arts of Art: Inferno X, Purgatorio X, Paradiso X'


Dr K.P. Clarke (University of York)

Collection: Cambridge Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy

Institution: Department of Italian

Created: Tue 7 Jan 2014

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