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02a. Rice - Overview


Alan Macfarlane gives an overview of the rice production process.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Sun 10 Jul 2016

02b. Rice - Planting


Dilmaya Gurung explains the planting process, speaking in the Tamu (Gurung) language.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Sat 9 Jul 2016

02c. Rice - Transplanting


Dilmaya Gurung explains the process of transplanting rice, speaking in the Tamu (Gurung) language.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Sat 9 Jul 2016

02d. Rice - Harvesting


Dilmaya Gurung explains the harvesting process, speaking in the Tamu (Gurung) language.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Sat 9 Jul 2016

03a. Rice - Ploughing


Preparing to plant rice.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Fri 22 Jul 2016

03b. Rice - Transplanting


Transplanting rice, filmed by Dr Judith Pettigrew.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

04a. Rice - Harvesting


Harvesting rice.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

04b. Rice - Drying


Drying rice.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

04c. Rice - Winnowing


Winnowing rice.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

04d. Rice - Threshing


Threshing rice.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

04e. Rice - Carrying


Carrying rice from the fields.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

04f. Rice - Straw


Making straw.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

05a. Rice - Drying and Beating


Drying and beating rice.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

05b. Rice - Milling


Processing rice at a diesel mill.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

05c. Rice - Eating


Eating rice.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

05d. Rice - Ritual


Ritual consecrating rice.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

05e. Rice - Mules


Transporting rice by mules.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

05f. Rice - Shop


Selling rice at a village shop.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Tue 26 Jul 2016

27 What makes us feel good?


An analysis of the pleasures and compulsion created by our five senses of smell, sight, touch, hearing and taste, and how they are combined in gardens and the love of children.

Collection: How the World Works: Letters to Lily

Institution: King's College

Created: Thu 10 Jan 2013

Biotechnology, Intellectual Property and Twenty First Century Crops


Professor Christopher Gilligan; Chair, Cambridge University Strategic Initiative in Global Food Security; Professor of Mathematical Biology, Department of Plant Sciences,...

Collection: Twenty First Century Crops

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 28 Feb 2013

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