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Cavitating Blastocyst

Collection: Blastocysts

Institution: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute

Created: Thu 6 Mar 2014

'Do we need patents for Embryonic Stem Cells?' - Justin Turner: CIPIL Seminar


Justin Turner QC, gave an evening seminar entitled "Do we need patents for Embryonic Stem Cells?" on Thursday 2nd May 2013 at the Faculty of Law as a guest of CIPIL (the Centre...

Collection: CIPIL Intellectual Property Seminar Series

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Fri 3 May 2013

Genes and Embryos


A lecture given by Prof. John Bryant as part of Summer Course 5

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Wed 11 Aug 2010

Genetics, God and the Future of Humanity


Research Seminar given by Dr Denis Alexander, November 2018

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 6 Dec 2018

How we are made: Embryos, Biology and Belief


CiS-Faraday Public Lecture given by Prof Jeff Hardin

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Wed 17 Feb 2016

Human Embryology and Bioethics


Talk given by Prof. Gareth Jones as part of summer course 7

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Mon 20 Aug 2012

Human Embryonic Gene Editing: Scientific, Ethical and Theological Implications


Talk given by Dr Alexander Massmann as part of Summer Course 12

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 12 Oct 2017

Mouse embryo developing over time


In this video, we see a mouse embryo developing. Erica Watson tells us that studying this process helps us better understand human pregnancy.

Erica Watson:
“The development...

Collection: Under the Microscope

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 2 Feb 2012

Self-Made People: The Emerging Embryo, Biology, and Belief


Talk given by Prof. Jeff Hardin for Faraday Institute Seminar Series 2021

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Tue 16 Nov 2021

Stem Cell Exchange with Jenny Nichols


Episode 2 of Stem Cell Exchanges, with Jenny Nichols.
Interview: Mariana Alves
Jingle and sound production: Francisco Campos Coroa and Ivo Simões
Track used: Macintosh...

Collection: Stem Cell Exchanges

Institution: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute

Created: Tue 27 Jun 2017

Stem Cells and Healing


Research seminar given by Prof. Susan Kimber

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 23 Jan 2014

The Changing Face of Medicine: Stem Cells for Future Medicine - Scientific Advances and a Christian Response


Public Lecture given by Prof. Susan Kimber, October 2019

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 31 Oct 2019

The Human Embryo: Reassessing Theological Approaches in the Light of Scientific Advance


Talk given by Prof. Gareth Jones as part of short course 10

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Mon 5 Mar 2012