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0. Introduction to Human Rights after Brexit Podcasts by Dr Veronika Fikfak


Human Rights after Brexit podcast is a series of nine podcasts in which young human rights experts discuss the implications of Brexit for human rights protection in the UK....

Collection: Human Rights After Brexit Workshop

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 12 Apr 2017

1. The Complexities of Human Rights and Constitutional Reform in the UK by Leanne Cochrane


In this episode, Leanne Cochrane who is a PhD student at Queen’s University Belfast, maps out the current human rights situation in the UK. She looks at the implications of Brexit...

Collection: Human Rights After Brexit Workshop

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 12 Apr 2017

2. Human Rights Post-Brexit: Inadvertent Protection & Violation by Dr Joelle Grogan


In this episode, Dr Joelle Grogan who is a Lecturer at Middlesex University Law School, talks about how we may be able to use existing law to protect some human rights after...

Collection: Human Rights After Brexit Workshop

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 12 Apr 2017

3. Unchartered Waters: Fundamental Social Rights and the Common Law Contract of Employment by Niall O'Connor


In this episode, Niall O’Connor is a Phd student at University of Cambridge and he talks about how the common law could provide protection for social rights after Brexit.

Collection: Human Rights After Brexit Workshop

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 12 Apr 2017

4. The Reach of Common Law Rights by Thomas Fairclough


In this episode, Thomas Fairclough, a PhD student at the University of Cambridge disputes the argument that common law rights are only limited in scope and therefore cannot offer...

Collection: Human Rights After Brexit Workshop

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 12 Apr 2017

5. Constitutional Referendum, Socio-Economic Rights by Dr Katie Boyle


In this episode, Dr Katie Boyle, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Roehampton, investigates what information citizens had access to prior to the 2016 referendum and questions...

Collection: Human Rights After Brexit Workshop

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 12 Apr 2017

6. About Foreign Reeves and Judges - Confronting domestic backlashes again human rights through dissemination of core...


In this episode, Ömer Keskin is a PhD student at the University of Lausanne. In his talk, he explains how referendums work in Switzerland and how international law could be used...

Collection: Human Rights After Brexit Workshop

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 12 Apr 2017

7. Doctor Derogation Love by Dr Stuart Wallace


In this episode, Dr Stuart Wallace, a Lecturer at University of Cambridge, speaks about the Government’s decision to stop applying the European Convention on Human Rights (or to...

Collection: Human Rights After Brexit Workshop

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 12 Apr 2017

8. Brexit, Administrative Justice and Human Rights by Joe Tomlinson


In this episode, Dr Joe Tomlinson from Sheffield University questions how Brexit will affect administrative justice and in particular the protection of human rights in the...

Collection: Human Rights After Brexit Workshop

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 12 Apr 2017

9. The Enforcement of Equality and Human Rights by Dr David Barrett


In this episode, Dr David Barrett from Nottingham Trent University speaks about the impact of Brexit on regulatory actors, in particular the Equality and Human Rights Commission...

Collection: Human Rights After Brexit Workshop

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 12 Apr 2017

A Brexit transitional framework: talk by Professor Kenneth Armstrong


Kenneth Armstrong, Professor of European Law at the University of Cambridge, delivers a public lecture at Madingley Hall on 7 November 2017. This lecture explores what a Brexit...

Collection: Madingley Lectures

Institution: Institute of Continuing Education

Created: Tue 14 Nov 2017

Alcuin Lecture 2016: Global Britain? The future of British trade after Brexit with Greg Hands, MP


Greg Hands, MP for Chelsea and Fulham and Minister of State in the Department of International Trade will gave the 2016 Alcuin Lecture on Thursday 20th October.

Collection: Department of POLIS Lectures

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 25 Oct 2016

''Brexit' and EU Social Policy: What has the EU done for me?': Catherine Barnard


In his speech at Chatham House on 10 November 2015 (, the Prime Minister David Cameron outlined those...

Collection: Law In Focus

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 18 Nov 2015

''Brexit' and EU Social Policy: What has the EU done for me?': Catherine Barnard (audio)


In his speech at Chatham House on 10 November 2015 (, the Prime Minister David Cameron outlined those...

Collection: Law In Focus

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 18 Nov 2015

'Brexit and the Constitution' - Sir John Laws: CPL Lecture


The A. L. Goodhart Visiting Professor of Legal Science, the Rt Hon. Sir John Laws gave a talk entitled "Brexit and the Constitution" on 2 May 2017 as a guest of the Centre for...

Collection: Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 3 May 2017

'Brexit: Legally and constitutionally, what now?': Mark Elliott


In the early hours of 24 June 2016, the result of the UK referendum on EU membership was announced. By a narrow but clear majority the vote was to leave the European...

Collection: Law In Focus

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Fri 24 Jun 2016

'Brexit: Legally and constitutionally, what now?': Mark Elliott (audio)


In the early hours of 24 June 2016, the result of the UK referendum on EU membership was announced. By a narrow but clear majority the vote was to leave the European Union....

Collection: Law In Focus

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Fri 24 Jun 2016

Britain’s Broken Economic Model and Why Brexit isn’t the Cure


Simon Deakin, Director of the Centre for Business Research and Professor of Law at the University of Cambridge, tells the Cambridge Public Policy SRI (Strategic Research...

Collection: Cambridge Public Policy SRI

Institution: Faculty of History

Created: Sat 10 Nov 2018

CILJ-LCIL Annual Lecture 2020-2021: 'Brexit and Fisheries: International Law Dimensions of the 2018 White Paper and...


Lecture summary: With the EU demand for continued access to the UK's exclusive economic zone for its fishing vessels seemingly the main outstanding condition for a trade agreement...

Collection: LCIL International Law Seminar Series

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Mon 23 Nov 2020

Covid and the Geopolitics of Brexit. A British-German Conversation


For more than two months, the UK and the EU, like most of the rest of the world - has been preoccupied with the Coronavirus pandemic. Now, as the deadline for an extension to the...

Collection: Centre for Geopolitics

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Thu 25 Jun 2020

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