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02 - John Gould, Mockingbird from Charles Darwin (general editor), The Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle


John Gould, Mockingbird from Charles Darwin (general editor), The Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle, 1838-41, Part III, No.II, Birds, 1841, by John Gould, with hand-coloured...

Collection: Endless Forms Audio Guide

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Tue 9 Jun 2009

3. The Roots of a Theory: How Plants Specimens Led a Young Darwin to Discovery


Plant specimens may seem an unlikely starting point for Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection - but, as Professor John Parker investigates in this podcast, the...

Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts

Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum

Created: Wed 24 Jun 2009

Charles Darwin: The 'Beagle' Letters


Charles Darwin: The 'Beagle' Letters with Professor Jim Secord, Dr. Alison Pearn and Janet Browne

Collection: Cambridge in America Videos

Institution: Cambridge in America

Created: Thu 14 May 2009