BBC4: Growing Children - Dyslexia

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Description: The third of three programmes in the series "Growing Children". Presenter Laverne Antrobus explores how child development is affected by dyslexia.
Created: 2012-08-28 16:28
Collection: Centre for Neuroscience in Education
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: BBC4
Language: eng (English)
Distribution: World     (downloadable)
Keywords: dyslexia; neuroscience; reading difficulty;
Explicit content: No
Bumper: UCS Default
Trailer: UCS Default
Abstract: Laverne Antrobus meets Professor Usha Goswami who is conducting ground breaking research into how the brain processes sound and why this may be different for children with dyslexia. She conducts one of her experiments on Laverne and on Alyce - a teenager with dyslexia - in order to compare the results. Laverne finds out that it could be that dyslexia is not, in fact, all to do with words - and it could be a difficulty in processing between different rhythmic sounds that is the real problem.
Laverne Antrobus looks into one of the most common problems for children, dyslexia, and uncovers some incredible developments in neuroscience that are showing how the dyslexic brain works. As many as one in ten are now thought to be affected by this condition. Laverne discovers that when dyslexia is combined with that crucial period of children's lives when they are first starting to learn, it can be disastrous and lead to poor self-esteem, high stress and low achievement. Laverne also learns that dyslexia is not just something that affects children when they are learning to read - it is a lifelong incurable condition that can affect many aspects of someone's life. How can someone with dyslexia cope as they start the process of entering the working world?