Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty (RECOUP)

Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty (RECOUP)'s image
Created: 2009-11-10 16:56
Institution: Faculty of Education
Editors' group: Editors group for "Faculty of Education".
Description: RECOUP is a research partnership of seven institutions - three from the UK and four from Africa and South Asia - funded by the UK Department for International Development, and led by the University of Cambridge. Poverty can often lead to inferior educational outcomes which, in turn, play a major role in determining the future incidence and extent of poverty. RECOUP is studying the mechanisms that drive this cycle of deprivation. The research programme is examining the impact of education on the lives and livelihoods of people in developing countries, particularly those living in poorer areas and from poorer households. Between 2005-2010 RECOUP is conducting six collaborative research projects grouped under three broad themes: Social and Human Development Outcomes of Education; Economic and Labour-Market Outcomes of Education and The Outcomes from Partnerships in education between Governments, Aid Agencies and Households.

Presentations made at UKFIET, Oxford, 15-18 September 2009
Presentation made by John Young, ODI, 14 September 2009

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