M09 - Deadly? - 7 Sins for Today

M09 - Deadly? - 7 Sins for Today's image
Created: 2009-10-15 16:45
Institution: St John's College
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: Evensong Sermons at St John's College, Michaelmas Term 2009

Media items

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This collection contains 4 media items.


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Preacher: Christina Rees

Collection: M09 - Deadly? - 7 Sins for Today

Institution: St John's College

Created: Mon 26 Oct 2009

Pride goes before a (the) Fall: The Seven Deadly Sins


Preacher: The Rev'd Duncan Dormor, The Dean

Collection: M09 - Deadly? - 7 Sins for Today

Institution: St John's College

Created: Thu 15 Oct 2009



Preacher: The Rev'd Stephen Coles

Collection: M09 - Deadly? - 7 Sins for Today

Institution: St John's College

Created: Sat 7 Nov 2009

Whatever! Indifference makes a World of Difference


Preacher: The Rev'd Canon Tim Dakin

Collection: M09 - Deadly? - 7 Sins for Today

Institution: St John's College

Created: Mon 26 Oct 2009