Physics IA Practicals

collection has no image
Created: 2020-04-27 15:10
Institution: Department of Physics
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: Some videos that will link to the IA Practicals for Easter term 2020

Media items

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This collection contains 6 media items.


Media items

Aperture Rotation


The effect of rotation of the aperture on the diffraction pattern.

Collection: Physics IA Practicals

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Tue 28 Apr 2020

Babinet's Principle


Diffraction from a pair of 2D apertures which are the inverse of each other.

Collection: Physics IA Practicals

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Tue 28 Apr 2020

Laser Shutter IA E9


A short video showing the effect of opening and closing the laser shutter in experiment E9.

Collection: Physics IA Practicals

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Mon 27 Apr 2020

Light meter


This video shows the adjustment of an aperture and the effect on the measured light levels.

Collection: Physics IA Practicals

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Fri 15 May 2020



Readings on multimeters

Collection: Physics IA Practicals

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Wed 20 May 2020

Rotation of filter


This video shows the rotation of the filters for the photoelectric effect experiment.

Collection: Physics IA Practicals

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Wed 20 May 2020