McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research's image
Created: 2016-01-06 10:22
Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications
Editors' group: Members of "Office of External Affairs and Communications".
Description: The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research serves as an interdisciplinary hub aiming to provide a shared intellectual home for archaeologists at Cambridge with a programme of seminars, workshops, conferences, publications and research grants as well as laboratory space for a wide range of archaeological research which crosses continents, periods and approaches in its exploration of the diversity of the human past.

Media items

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This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

First Raymond and Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lecture in Archaeology in Honour of Prof. Norman Hammond.


First Raymond and Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lecture in Archaeology in Honour of Prof. Norman Hammond delivered at Peterhouse on 4th November 2015 by Prof. Peter Addyman,...

Collection: McDonald Institute

Institution: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Created: Wed 25 Nov 2015

The 27th McDonald Institute Lecture


Counternarratives of Early States in Mesopotamia (and Elsewhere).

Professor Norman Yoffee

Collection: McDonald Institute

Institution: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Created: Mon 14 Dec 2015

The Enigma of Igbo Ukwu: exploring the origins of West African Civilization


McDonald Institute Keynote Lecture by Professor Susan Keech McIntosh on Friday 9th May

Collection: McDonald Institute

Institution: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Created: Fri 6 Jun 2014